'The photobook, named Crepuscule (noun. dusk [noun] (the time of) partial darkness after the sun sets; twilight.) is a conclusion to the theme of suburbia that has been at the front of my artistic exploration for the past few years. The book includes a range of shoots from my past and is arranged into a subtle non-linear narrative of a walk-through suburbia at crepuscule, focusing on different themes and motifs that surround the topic. The themes of geometry, absence, memory, and monuments. There is also a more elusive theme of the unknown, through the interior shots woven throughout the exterior images. Never revealing to which exterior, they belong. In Crepuscule, the theme of absence is used to provoke more questions raised around the environments captured. Like most narratives however, there is a happy ending, in the beauty of a garden, emphasised in the bathing glow of the night'. 2021.